Tiger in a Tropical Storm (Surprised!)
The Wedding
The Monument to Chopin in the Luxembourg Gardens
The Last Supper
Isleworth Mona Lisa
Madonna and Child, c.1470
Myself- Portrait – Landscape
Madonna and Child
Andrea Solario - Salome with the Head of St John the Baptist
La Bohémienne endormie
The Old Guitarist
Adoration of the Magi
The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne
The Dream
Portrait of Madame M
Carnival Evening
The Waterfall
Adoration of the Child with Angel Musicians
Plaster head and arm
Virgin of the Rocks
Meadowland (The Pasture)
annunciazione dal duomo di pistoia
Old Junier's Cart
The Battle of the
Quai d'Ivry
Christ Among the Doctors
Madonna on the Throne between Saints
A Centennial of Independence